Monday, April 9, 2007

Thoughts on Class Topic: The Richness of Amazon

Today in class we talked about richness and reach and how they relate to delivering value to a company. Amazon was denoted as a company/service high is richness. That is, they have a highly personalized service that delivers value to their company...kind of like an electronic salesman. This gives Amazon a competitive edge in that it personalizes a page for every one of its clientele. It even makes suggestions for future reading material based upon previous purchases. This in turn leads to customer lock-in, making the cost of switching service larger...I mean, who wants to give up on a service that knows what you like to read about and gives you titles to check out! To check out the richness of Amazon<-- click here --> :)

.....or stiuqxela.

1 comment:

Alex said...

check your links, missing http://