Wednesday, February 28, 2007

High School of the Future

After perusing through the required sites on Bloglines, I came across a pretty cool concept that I had to investigate further on Scobleizer's Tech Geek Blogger. Apparently in the heart of Silicon Valley and San Diego there are schools that are completely centered around helping kids learn old lessons strictly through new age technologies. What makes this article/high school even more interesting is that these schools are public. That is right folks, it is completely government funded! I believe that helping students engage in their work through the use of today's technologies is a great way to build core academic necessities. Today kids are so withdrawn from the course work and are often at a disconnect with the whole learning process. This school is seeking to change all of that. It even has 100% placement rate into college. Ask yourself this question: when has a traditional public school even achieved that?! Check out High Tech High School for a direct link to the schools main web page.

1 comment:

STEVE WARD said...

Jen, I love Schobleizer's Geek Tech Blog, definitely one of my favorites! Its always telling me something interesting that my non-computer savy self might now, yet find extremely interesting! All-in-all you got a great blog, I could definitely learn a thing or two from both you and your blog haha!